When it comes to viral videos, they say that kids, cats and dogs rule the internet, and as parents, we’ll do anything to keep them safe. With all the buzz online about byproducts in processed pet foods and toxins contained in treats imported from overseas, it seems that a day rarely goes by that we don’t see headlines about another lawsuit or pet product recall.
But some dangers are already lurking inside our homes, in refrigerators, cupboards and on top of our kitchen tables. Take salt and pepper for example: sodium presents the same health hazards for animals as it does for people and pepper is difficult for most pets to digest.
Check out this infographic made by Amber Kingsley, “The 10 Most Toxic Foods For Pets,” and make sure all of these are out of paws reach. Don’t forget about pesticides and pharmaceuticals, both over-the-counter and prescribed, which are also poisonous and potentially deadly for our animals. They should all be kept safely unavailable from curious cats and precocious pooches.